Prof. Dr. Zhifu Mi
University College London, the UK

Research interests
Climate change economics, carbon footprints, air pollution and health
Time: 15:30-17:30 (Beijing Time)/ 9:30-11:30(Central European Time)
Date: September 16, 2022
Zoom ID:338 370 0927
Prof. Dr. Shuanping Dai
School of Economics,
Jilin University, China
Join the Zoom meeting
Abstract: China has entered a new phase of economic development in which large-scale, rapid and multidimensional changes in economic structure are happening. We constructed the time-series of CO2 emission inventories for China and its provinces. Environmentally extended input-output analysis and structural decomposition analysis were applied to investigate the driving forces behind changes in emissions. China’s annual emissions growth has declined greatly since 2012, and the gains in energy efficiency were the most important factor to offset emission growth. The relative decoupling of economic growth from carbon emissions is technology driven rather than pure outsourcing. The emissions embodied in China’s exports peaked, mainly due to the changes in production and export structure.
Bio: Dr. Zhifu Mi is a Professor and the Director of Research of The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London (UCL). He has published papers in leading journals, such as Lancet, Science Advances, Nature Energy, Nature Food, and Nature Sustainability. He was awarded the World Sustainability Award and named in Clarivate ‘Highly Cited Researchers’. His research was awarded Best Paper Award in Energy Economics and Best Early Career Article in Environmental Research Letters. He is serving as a Co-Editor-in-Chief of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics and an Executive Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production.